Burgundian Consort 2016 Auditions - sign up now!

Burgundian Consort 2016 Auditions - sign up now!

The Burgundian Consort has existed as an elite arm of the Collegium Musicum Choir for many years (since about 1985). It includes only a small number of singers (12-18), mostly (but not exclusively) undergraduate music students and sings challenging, unaccompanied repertoire.

Membership of the Burgundian Consort is by audition, and is based almost entirely on sight-singing, experience and vocal quality. Singers in the Burgundian Consort tend to be experienced choristers with high-level music literacy.

To submit an application online, please fill in our Google Form by clicking here.

Prospective members must also email cmc@unsw.edu.au to book an individual audition time. These are to be held on Tuesday, February 23.


Happy singing!