Ensemble Vacancies

Below is a list of all current instrumental and vocal vacancies for our existing ensembles.

Please check this page frequently as we will be updating throughout the term.


UNSW Orchestra

The UNSW Orchestra was founded in 1989 to bring the live performance of fine music to the University community and to the many people who live in the surrounding suburbs.

Click here to find out more about Orchestra, rehearsal details and how to sign up for an audition in Term 1.

The minimum standard is AMEB Grade 8 or equivalent. All members of UNSW Orchestra must audition.


Audition registrations are now closed and Orchestra positions are now filled.

Available Positions: Trombone, Trumpet, Clarinet

Please email cmc@unsw.edu.au if you play the above instruments and are interested in joining Orchestra.



The Corde chamber choir has existed an advanced chamber choir in UNSW's choral program since around 1985. It includes only a small number of singers (12-18), including undergraduate and postgraduate students, alumni and staff, and sings challenging, unaccompanied repertoire.

Membership of Corde is determined by an audition process, and is based almost entirely on sight-singing, experience and vocal quality. Singers tend to be experienced choristers with high-level music literacy.

Find out more about the Corde here!

Available Positions: Tenor, Bass

To express your interest, please email cmc@unsw.edu.au


UNSW Wind Symphony

The Wind Symphony provides a rich experience for musicians who prefer to play more contemporary repertoire, largely dating from after 1900. Also in the repertoire of the Wind Symphony are arrangements of works from all eras and styles, including jazz, popular and art-music forms.

You can find out more about Wind Symphony here.

Wind Symphony is open to all to register. Register for Term 1 2024 here

You can also register your interest to become a section leader here. Please note that these positions will be auditioned.


Collegium Musicum Choir

The Collegium Musicum performs familiar repertoire including oratorios, masses, requiems and other sacred works, and secular works appropriate to a large choir. It has a wonderful social aspect as well as focusing strongly on musical performance, and performs familiar repertoire including oratorios, masses, requiems and other sacred works, and secular works including Handel's Messiah, Haydn's Nelson Mass, Mozart's Requiem, and Orff's Carmina Burana.

Find out more about the Collegium Muscium Choir here!

The Collegium Musicum Choir is open to all to register. If you are a new member, you are required to schedule a voice placement through this link. Voice placements are not auditions. They are to see what voice part will be suitable for you. Please prepare a short piece such as a christmas carol beforehand.