It's Showtime

Nick 2
Nicholas D'Silva, clarinettist

UNSW Orchestra and UNSW's 2023 Concerto Audition winner, Nicholas D'Silva are hard at work to refine their program for their upcoming concert, Romanze.

We invited Nicholas to update us on the rehearsal process, share his thoughts about his upcoming performance and any future plans.

1. How are you feeling about the upcoming performance?

I am looking forward to the upcoming performance. It is always a rewarding experience to put in the time to prepare and rehearse a well-constructed work like this, and even better to have the opportunity to share it with an audience in its entirety, with full orchestration.

2. How are rehearsals going with the UNSW Orchestra?

Rehearsals have been a dynamic and evolving process. It has been a great experience to work collaboratively with Dr. Hillinger and the UNSW Orchestra.

3. Any funny/thought-proving/striking moments during rehearsal?

It has been a while since I have rehearsed in a setting like this, so it was nice to be reacquainted with the rehearsal process once again. During rehearsals, it is common for different people to need to voice their own interpretations of the music in order to clarify or rationalise certain sections. I think these are the most thought-provoking moments during the rehearsal process.

4. What are your future plans after the concert?

For music I have no concrete plans yet, but I have been considering the possibility of some solo and/or chamber recitals in the near future. I tend to like performing "unexpected" things to audiences, and it would be nice to do this again sometime. Otherwise, I am very much looking forward to continuing my studies in computer science. I value the refreshingly different thinking style it offers, and it has grown to be just as intriguing to me as my interest in music.


Watch Nicholas perform in UNSW Orchestra's concert: Romanze, on Friday 10 November, 7pm at Sir John Clancy Auditorium.

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To read Nicholas' past interview with UNSW Music Performance, click here.